Holdem Manager 2 Revamps HUD Options

News flash!
Holdem Manager has just released its latest update, Version This update has several helpful new features and also addresses site-specific issues.
Perhaps the best new feature introduced in this update allows customers to
configure their HUDs based on the number of players at this table. You may be asking yourself, "Why this is so great?" Well, if you typically only play nine-max tournaments with thousands of players and rarely see short-handed situations, this update might not be all that important. However, if you play cash games, sit n gos, or find yourself in situations where there aren't only nine players on the table, this update should make your HUD more meaningful than ever before.
How this works is that within the HUD configuration, there is a box to select "
By # of Players." When selecting this option, your
Holdem Manager 2 HUD will filter your stats based on the number of players that were dealt into the previous hand. This is great new feature since players switch up the way they play based not only on their position, but also on the number of players seated.
Another new feature in this release is the introduction of stats for
EV/hand, and
EV/hour in all currencies. This should prove to be helpful for HM2 customers around the world since there are now a few networks using other currencies besides US Dollars.
Several other reporting features were addressed in this update including the ability to group tournaments by tags, resolving an issue with the currency symbol when winnings are displayed in "bb" or "BB", and updated hole card filters compatible with fast fold hand histories such as
PokerStars' Zoom Poker,
PartyPoker's Fast Forward Poker, and iPoker's Speed Poker.
For those of you who use the third party add-on program
Leak Buster, this update will require you to reenter your name and e-mail address to complete registration. Although this might seem like a minor inconvenience, the reason is that
Leak Buster requires a new license server change as part of this HM2 update.
There are also many site-specific updates and fixes. For PokerStars, iPoker, and Pacific Poker, the HUD will now hide players who are sitting out.
Support is now included in iPoker's Twister games. A
PartyPoker Fast Forward issue was fixed where no HUD was being shown on the Jet 3 and Bolt 2 tables. Microgaming quick-fold hands are no longer imported with errors when hands are not completed.
The most site-specific changes are for players on the
Pacific Poker Network. Players on New Jersey regulated Pacific Poker skins are now able to have their hands auto-detected. There are now added EV calculations for eight-max double or nothing sit n gos. Imports are now allowed for renamed tournament summary files, while imports will not be allowed for corrupted hand history files.
With Holdem Manager's dedication to constantly improve its software, it is no wonder why it is one of the most popular poker tracking and HUD software suites available. While many other software providers charge a monthly fee to help offset the cost of updates,
Holdem Manager believes that once you purchase HM2, you should be entitled to free updates through the life cycle of the software. If you haven't already
checked out HM2, you can do so for 30 days for free today and see why many players around the world absolutely love this software.
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Member Comments
ProfessionalRakeback's Comment
2014-07-13 00:52:33
Thank goodness! We've been anxiously awaiting a new HUD for eons! PT has had the player # filter since version 2 (what was that 6 years ago?) and this is a much welcomed change.