Start the New Year Off Right with NinjaVision

If one of your new year’s resolutions was to improve your efficiency and profitability, third
Party Poker Software can help you meet your goals. Using a HUD and poker tracking database can not only help you analyze yourself and your opponents, but also help you play more tables at once since you do not need to pay as much attention to the action to know about the table flow.
In coordination with a HUD, we also would recommend you to look into
TableNinja II, since everything about this software is designed to make your online poker playing experience more efficient. The software allows you to effectively play more tables at once than you ever thought was possible.
While there are tons of great features this software provides, one of the coolest of them all is NinjaVision, which allows you to organize all your tables into a mini grid while bringing one table into focus. You can follow all the important action in the mini grid while also keeping in focus your most important tables.
The mini grid is fully scalable. Meaning if you are playing four tables you will have a smaller grid of four tables and as you add tables it will then adjust the size of the grid. Same is true as you close down tables as well. This also works across multiple monitors, which is cool if you are looking to play as high as two dozen tables at once if not more.
Another cool feature about NinjaVision is some of the other functionality works side by side including preset betting, timebank management, and perhaps most importantly the use of auto hot keys which make your routine actions faster by just clicking on your keyboard.
A feature that helps me out as well as that it keeps other things you might be doing on the internet on the side. I know I often am browsing the internet while playing or posting on forums, so this allows me to make sure I don’t misclick. You may also find this useful if you are in a Skype chat group so you can keep the convo on the side and just peek in it won’t interfere with other things you are doing.
You might find this feature irrelevant if you are playing a ton of tables, and if your goal is to maximize your efficiency these activities aren’t really recommended. However, I like to have fun while I am playing, so for players like me this feature is irreplaceable.
NinjaVision is just one of the many features
TableNinja II has to offer you. You can
check out TableNinja II for 30 days on a free trial. If you feel that it can help you in the long-term, there are plans as low as $4.99 a month, which is a bargain considering how much more action at once you can enjoy and hopefully profit in.
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